22 Useful Things You Can Do With Lemons (Page 8 ) | March 18, 2024

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This trick keeps my lemons fresh for at least a couple of weeks.

Freeze Lemons

Can you freeze whole lemons? Yes, you can! You can freeze lemon slices or wedges, zest, lemon juice, or whole lemons. For whole lemons, place them in freezer bags and remove as much air as possible before freezing. To thaw, microwave for a few seconds or put them in cold water for 10 to 15 minutes. Ice cube trays are great for freezing lemon juice.

When Should You Throw Away Lemons?

Not even the best storage methods will preserve fresh lemons forever! If you have any lemons that look shriveled, feel squishy, look powdery or dusty, or have any dark spots or mold on them, it’s time to throw them away. But try the tricks above first, so they don’t go bad before you can use them.

Related: This Is How You Should Be Storing Your Fresh Fruit


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