9 Shower Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Skin (Page 2 ) | March 18, 2024

shower don'ts


4. Not Rinsing Well Enough

It’s important to take your time while rinsing off at the end of your shower in order to remove all traces of soap and hair product residue. If you rush your end-of-shower rinse and some soap residue remains on your skin, that skin is likely to wind up feeling dry and itchy within a few hours.

shower don'ts

5. Waiting Too Long To Moisturize

If you wait 10-15 minutes after showering to apply lotion, you’re waiting too long! The best time to moisturize your skin is right after you hop out of the shower, thanks to the warm and humid conditions in the bathroom and the residual moisture on your skin. These conditions make your skin more absorbent, so it can soak up all those moisturizers in your lotion and seal in hydration!

shower don'ts


6. Not Showering After A Workout

You should always shower after working out, regardless of how sweaty or smelly you are! The bacteria that live on our skin thrive in the warm and sweaty state that often follows a workout. If you don’t wash the sweat off promptly by taking a shower, the bacteria can multiply rapidly and cause rashes and other skin problems.

shower don'ts

7. Storing Your Razor In The Shower

Keeping your razor in the shower may be convenient, but it can have consequences for both the razor and your skin! If your razor doesn’t have a chance to properly dry out between uses, bacteria and rust can quickly take over.

To keep your razor clean and sharp, set it on a clean towel to dry after each use. Once it’s dry, store it alongside a silica gel packet, which will absorb nearby moisture and keep the blades dry.


shower don'ts

8. Washing Your Face In The Shower

If you regularly wash your face in the shower instead of at the sink, you may be contributing to skin problems. Washing your face in the shower means you’re spending more time in the shower overall, which can lead to dry skin and hyperpigmentation.

And the water temperature can be problematic too, as the water you shower in is likely quite a bit hotter than what you’d use to wash your face at the sink. Switch to washing your face at the sink for a while, and you’re likely to see improvements in your skin!

shower don'ts

9. Getting Hair Products On Your Skin

The order of your shower routine is more important than you’d think! For instance, it’s a good idea to wash and condition your hair before washing your body. That way, you can wash away any residue from your shampoo and conditioner that could be sitting on your skin.


If you wash your body first, those hair product residues can cling to your skin, causing dryness, irritation, and other issues.

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